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fluoridation in a sentence

"fluoridation" in Chinese  "fluoridation" meaning  


  • In 2008, the City of Corning banned public water fluoridation.
  • The history of water fluoridation can be divided into three periods.
  • Opposition to fluoridation has existed since its initiation in the 1940s.
  • The City's water supply underwent fluoridation in September 1955.
  • Recently there is much local opposition to the national fluoridation mandate.
  • Fluoridation was defeated by about 300 votes, Hargesheimer said.
  • Fluoridation adjusts the fluoride to levels considered necessary to prevent tooth decay.
  • The battle has intensified in recent months over the issue of fluoridation.
  • The average annual cost of water fluoridation is 51 cents per person.
  • It was started in 2000 after the fluoridation measure passed.
  • It's difficult to see fluoridation in a sentence .
  • The easiest and cheapest way of getting fluoride is from water fluoridation.
  • Even so, two previous fluoridation campaigns have been drilled to defeat.
  • In 2006, the city council approved public water fluoridation.
  • The first large fluoridation controversy occurred in Wisconsin in 1950.
  • Fluoridation opponents questioned the ethics, safety, and efficacy of fluoridation.
  • Fluoridation opponents questioned the ethics, safety, and efficacy of fluoridation.
  • Water fluoridation has frequently been the subject of conspiracy theories.
  • By 1999, fluoridation ceased in those two areas, as well.
  • London, and Toronto have recently chosen to continue fluoridation.
  • She declined to sign an order that would have continued fluoridation regulations.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define fluoridation in a sentence and how is the word fluoridation used in a sentence and examples? fluoridation造句, fluoridation造句, 用fluoridation造句, fluoridation meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.