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finite form in a sentence

"finite form" in Chinese  


  • In German embedded clauses, a finite verb form follows any non-finite forms.
  • The participle and some other non-finite forms derived therefrom are as follows.
  • The verbal noun and some other non-finite forms derived therefrom are as follows.
  • Basque verbs have a fairly wide range of non-finite forms.
  • This type of inversion occurs with a finite form of the copula " be ".
  • These are formed with a non-finite form of the main verb followed by an auxiliary verb.
  • The non-finite forms are the infinitive construct, the infinitive absolute and the active and passive participles.
  • These are all finite forms of the verb.
  • Modern Greek verbs additionally have three non-finite forms.
  • Other non-finite forms can be derived from the participle, as will be seen in a later section.
  • It's difficult to see finite form in a sentence .
  • The eastern cluster dialects use non-finite forms of the verb with the copula to express the progressive aspect.
  • See the table for converb suffixes in the " Non-finite forms " part of the verb morphology section.
  • Infinitives, gerunds, and participles, which are non-finite forms of the verb, are not considered to be examples of moods.
  • These include non-finite forms such as perfect infinitives . ( More possible forms and examples are given under below .)
  • Only the present indicative, the imperative and the non-finite forms are formed synthetically, by changing the form of the verb directly.
  • Chakhar has the same core declarative finite forms as Khalkha, but in addition "-xui " and "-lgui " to indicate strong probability.
  • Many clauses have as their finite verb an auxiliary, which governs a non-finite form of a lexical ( or other auxiliary ) verb.
  • Nonetheless, Rama verb forms with subordinators take subject prefixes under the same basic conditions as tensed ones, and in this way resemble finite forms.
  • Traditionally Basque verbs are cited using a non-finite form conventionally referred to as the participle ( although not all its uses are really participial ).
  • This " finite form " of the Jensen's inequality can be proved by induction : by convexity hypotheses, the statement is true for " n " = 2.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define finite form in a sentence and how is the word finite form used in a sentence and examples? finite form造句, finite form造句, 用finite form造句, finite form meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.