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fine grain in a sentence

"fine grain" in Chinese  "fine grain" meaning  


  • Due to small Vanadium content VG-10 has finer grain content compared to VG-1.
  • Fine grain size gives eutectics both increased strength and increased ductility.
  • The finer grain material used internally in partitions is Corsham limestone from Wiltshire.
  • Raul?wood is pinkish with brown-reddish color and has a very fine grain.
  • These often are based on the state standards but at a finer grain.
  • Furthermore, the incredibly fine grain gives the armchair a unique patina over time.
  • Sand all these beaches is generally fine grain mixed with crushed sea shells.
  • Wind transports finer grains of sand inland over the dunes.
  • The sweeter types with finer grains are more valued over sourer, large grain varieties.
  • The shape of the spectrum also appears similar to fine grain from the magnitude.
  • It's difficult to see fine grain in a sentence .
  • The frass is initially deposited in fine grains, but later in a central line.
  • "Resplended workmanship, often handsome slab backs and very fine grain for breasts, orange-red varnish.
  • It's a very fine grain mineral and water is bound to the inner surfaces.
  • The fine grains of the Gusev surface seem to stick together in dry clumps.
  • It was selected for its deep color and fine grain.
  • These airborne fine grains produced the enormous amount of loess in the Chinese lowlands.
  • Carlin-type gold deposits host gold mainly as microscopically fine grains.
  • The most expensive method would require a slurry pipeline to transport the fine grain material.
  • Calfskin is particularly valuable because of its softness, and fine grain, as well as durability.
  • Pigment is dark and made up of fine grains.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define fine grain in a sentence and how is the word fine grain used in a sentence and examples? fine grain造句, fine grain造句, 用fine grain造句, fine grain meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.