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experience in a sentence

"experience" in Chinese  "experience" meaning  


  • Another first in the U . S . Olympic Festival experience.
  • Many of these organizations find her fund-raising experience helpful.
  • Like the other directors, he found the experience a relief.
  • The actress has had firsthand experience with illness's toll.
  • The deal may also represent a humbling experience for the government.
  • But he says he has one regret about his war experiences.
  • He says he's had only one really bad experience.
  • True, Barneys never experienced a vendor revolt before last fall.
  • But the cultural experience has to be at least as valuable.
  • Charlotte's 1853 novel based on her experiences in Brussels.
  • It's difficult to see experience in a sentence .
  • "Nightmare " proved to be a unique experience.
  • Soccer was more of a do-it-yourself experience.
  • But they came away from their shared experience with opposite views.
  • I have never experienced so much weak data on any subject.
  • -- Find out how much experience the massage therapist has.
  • This was an adult experience, though children would love it.
  • Based on my experience, what she says is what happened.
  • Bengals receiver Tim McGee has experienced both sides of free agency.
  • A lot of them are seeking sexual experiences that are unconventional,
  • Hitchcock endured one of those innings best experienced in your sleep.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define experience in a sentence and how is the word experience used in a sentence and examples? experience造句, experience造句, 用experience造句, experience meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.