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equivalence factor in a sentence

"equivalence factor" in Chinese  


  • Each congener has been given a toxicity equivalence factor ( TEF ).
  • It needs a definition of the equivalence factor, which depends on the definition of equivalents.
  • Normality is defined as the molar concentration c _ i divided by an equivalence factor f _ \ mathrm { eq }.
  • In each group there were classes based on engine displacement ( with a 1.4 equivalence factor for forced induction engines ).
  • Since the definition of the equivalence factor depends on context ( which reaction is being studied ), IUPAC and NIST discourage the use of normality.
  • Since only 0.5 mol of H 2 SO 4 are needed to neutralize 1 mol of OH  ", the equivalence factor is:
  • With a 1.4 equivalence factor for forced induction engines, this meant that the downsized engine was classified as being of 1296.4 cc.
  • The definition of the equivalence factor varies depending on the type of chemical reaction that is discussed : It may refer to equations, bases, redox species, precipitating ions, or isotopes.
  • Andr?Chambas had modified his 4.5L engine by adding twin-superchargers which ( by using the x1.4 supercharge-equivalence factor ) meant his car ( # 6 ) had the biggest effective engine capacity and started at the head of the grid.
  • The four primary improvements were that they included the entire surface of the Earth in biocapacity estimates, allocated space for other ( i . e ., non-human ) species, updated the basis of equivalence factors from agricultural land to net primary productivity ( NPP ), and refined the carbon component of the footprint based on the latest global carbon models.
  • It's difficult to see equivalence factor in a sentence .
  • For example, in the gravimetric determination of nickel, the molar mass of the precipitate bis ( dimethylglyoximate ) nickel [ Ni ( dmgH ) 2 ] is 288.915 ( 7 ), while the molar mass of nickel is 58.6934 ( 2 ) : hence 288.915 ( 7 ) / 58.6934 ( 2 ) = 4.9224 ( 1 ) grams of [ Ni ( dmgH ) 2 ] precipitate is equivalent to one gram of nickel and the equivalence factor is 0.203151 ( 5 ).
How can I put and write and define equivalence factor in a sentence and how is the word equivalence factor used in a sentence and examples? equivalence factor造句, equivalence factor造句, 用equivalence factor造句, equivalence factor meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.