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enthusiasm in a sentence

"enthusiasm" in Chinese  "enthusiasm" meaning  


  • Both artists were effusive in their enthusiasm for the Nelson site.
  • It was their overzealous enthusiasm for attack that actually cost Spain.
  • But enthusiasm for private child-support companies is hardly unanimous.
  • As always, his speech was full of enthusiasm and optimism.
  • But I think the enthusiasm may go a step too far.
  • But Ragucci's enthusiasm is not shared across the harbor.
  • Enthusiasm and energy drive programs to reach out into the community.
  • Ms . Golden has a somewhat surprising explanantion for her enthusiasm.
  • Dosier's enthusiasm is the norm, not the exception.
  • White's biography was greeted with great enthusiasm in France.
  • It's difficult to see enthusiasm in a sentence .
  • But the overall picture was one of incredible excitement and enthusiasm.
  • Earlier, few people would have shared Farwell's enthusiasm.
  • UCLA's enthusiasm was apparent early in the second half.
  • Has your child shown enthusiasm for or interest in overnight camp?
  • We have to explain this to them without dampening their enthusiasm.
  • They talked of better enthusiasm, better focus, better concentration.
  • This is not the case I would have any enthusiasm for.
  • My enthusiasm for arranged marriages is that of a recent convert.
  • I just get so much energy and enthusiasm after a fight.
  • Her mother, however, didn't share the enthusiasm.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define enthusiasm in a sentence and how is the word enthusiasm used in a sentence and examples? enthusiasm造句, enthusiasm造句, 用enthusiasm造句, enthusiasm meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.