encoded form in a sentence
- GB18030 is another encoding form for Unicode, from the Standardization Administration of China.
- However, the bottling date is printed on the label, albeit in an encoded form.
- :The thing with the numbers is an encoded form of the Japanese you're trying to save.
- This encoding form is rarely used, even on the EBCDIC-based mainframes for which it was designed.
- It no longer refers to an encoding form in either 10646 or the Unicode Standard ."
- You'll want to be able to automatically decode binaries, the software and images posted to Usenet in text-encoded form.
- Pre-declared entities are often used as escape sequences to represent information that would otherwise cause possible conflicts in its non-encoded form.
- Once that is done, the quantum state, still unmeasured, is instantly mirrored in its encoded form by the second entangled particle far away.
- It further states that they should not be used in situations where some other method of signaling the encoding form is already in use.
- If a URL itself contains square brackets, the wiki-text should use the URL-encoded form xxxyyy } }, rather than . . . query = xxxyyy.
- It's difficult to see encoded form in a sentence .
- Punycode, another encoding form, enables the encoding of Unicode strings into the limited character set supported by the ASCII-based Domain Name System ( DNS ).
- Free pornographic pictures have long been available in encoded form on Internet news groups with names like " alt . binaries . pictures . erotica ."
- In its encoded form, e . g . in an XML document, it makes the policy addressable from the outside world via its unique uid attribute.
- Ward also helped his friend Queen Elizabeth I . Ward and Allen believed that this secret was expressed in encoded form in the writings published under Shakespeare's name.
- For Decimal128, the second encoding form is actually never used; the largest valid significand of 10 34 " 1 = 1ED09BEAD87C0378D8E63FFFFFFFF 16 can be represented in 113 bits.
- For example, in computers, character data manifests in encoded form, at some level, and thus could be treated as either binary or character data when being mapped to URI characters.
- By encoding such data into a character subset common to most character sets, the encoded form of such data files was unlikely to be " translated ", thereby destroying the file.
- The system deliberately leaves many code points not assigned to characters, even in the BMP . It does this to allow for future expansion or to minimize conflicts with other encoding forms.
- The " HH " part specifies, in an encoded form, whether a module is single-or double-sided, and the maximum allowed thickness of mounted components; possible values are listed in the right table above.
- The UTF-8 sequence corresponding to U + FEFF is 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF . This sequence has no meaning in other Unicode encoding forms, so it may serve to indicate that that stream is encoded as UTF-8.
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How can I put and write and define encoded form in a sentence and how is the word encoded form used in a sentence and examples? encoded form造句, encoded form造句, 用encoded form造句, encoded form meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.