encoded control in a sentence
- The Encoding Control Notation ( ECN ) is a notation to specify specific encodings of ASN . 1 types.
- Although the formal specification uses ASN . 1 notation, the standard includes Encoding Control Notation ( ECN ) and ASN . 1 tools are not required by implementations.
- Reproducing pianos can also re-create the dynamics of a pianist's performance by means of specially encoded control perforations placed towards the edges of a music roll, but this coding was never recorded automatically.
- By encoding control signals serially they could be AC-coupled ( with a transformer ) to prevent ground loop problems and EMI issues between the controller and the drives, which could be connected by long cables, even to different floors in a building.
- It's difficult to see encoded control in a sentence .
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How can I put and write and define encoded control in a sentence and how is the word encoded control used in a sentence and examples? encoded control造句, encoded control造句, 用encoded control造句, encoded control meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.