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effervescent tablet in a sentence

"effervescent tablet" in Chinese  


  • The production of effervescent tablets is the chief work of SwissCo.
  • Roche manufactures, among other things, Supradyn and Redoxon effervescent tablets.
  • They are effervescent tablets allowing the tablet to dissolve in a matter of minutes.
  • Visitors were invited to toss effervescent tablets into buckets of water and envision the bubbles as architectural configurations.
  • It is offered for sale U . S . retail stores in multiple forms : effervescent tablet, gummy, chewable tablet, lozenge, tablet, or powder.
  • The IV injection and inhalation preparations are, in general, prescription only, whereas the oral solution and the effervescent tablets are available over the counter in many countries.
  • Recovery MD is a new line of effervescent tablets with herbs and enzymes designed to help heal athletic injuries and treat hospital patients before and after surgery.
  • Available dosage forms include liquids, syrups, drops, elixirs, effervescent tablets and powders for mixing with water, capsules, tablets including extended release formulations, suppositories, compounding powder, and injections.
  • Montgomery said the company is focusing on the " taste and presentation " of Alka-Seltzer, introducing cherry-flavored effervescent tablets and cherry and tropical flavors to the existing spearmint chewable antacid.
  • How we get our calcium is irrelevant, and drinking three glasses of skimmed milk, or of soy milk to which calcium has had to be added ( check the ingredients ), or one and a half effervescent tablet in water probably makes little difference, except to the cost of the calcium.
  • It's difficult to see effervescent tablet in a sentence .
  • If you choose AlkaSeltzer Plus cold and cough liquigels ( packaged in a distinctive lavender box ) instead of AlkaSeltzer Plus cold and cough effervescent tablets ( packaged in the same shade of lavender ), you are going to be ingesting acetaminophen instead of the aspirin that is usually part of the AlkaSeltzer line.
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