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dozen in a sentence

"dozen" in Chinese  "dozen" meaning  


  • More than a dozen defendants are charged in the second case.
  • A dozen of them have unfurled a long, yellow banner.
  • His team has about a dozen people, including graduate students.
  • Currently, about a dozen correspondents file their stories with CamNet.
  • He lasted a dozen years, mostly with the Minnesota Vikings.
  • Day guests usually number only a dozen or so a day.
  • Roughly 700 applicants vie for about a dozen spots each year.
  • Metz left his job of a dozen years with Riverfront Stadium.
  • If I recall, it took about a dozen of them.
  • Every year dozens of INS employees are arrested on similar charges.
  • It's difficult to see dozen in a sentence .
  • The new EPA report spawned dozens of similar press conferences nationwide.
  • Only some two dozen works by Elsheimer are known to exist.
  • Getting four dozen doughnuts is more appealing than going to class.
  • Dozens of people milled around, picking through the debris inside.
  • Besides the academies, the plan makes dozens of other recommendations.
  • The hillside preserve shelters dozens of varieties of orchids and bromeliads.
  • Some two dozen other states have also imposed different hospital rates.
  • "Baker's Dozen " retains its elegance.
  • The Courant has published half a dozen articles on the matter.
  • More than a dozen ships were intercepted in the year before.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define dozen in a sentence and how is the word dozen used in a sentence and examples? dozen造句, dozen造句, 用dozen造句, dozen meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.