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dorsum in a sentence

"dorsum" in Chinese  "dorsum" meaning  


  • The dorsum sellae is terminated laterally by the posterior clinoid processes.
  • The skin of the dorsum is finely shagreen with small pustules.
  • As for all clymeniids, the siphuncle is along the dorsum.
  • Most are tightly coiled with the dorsum impressed to some degree.
  • Sutures form shallow lobes on the venter, flanks and dorsum.
  • The forewings are brown, but somewhat paler towards the dorsum.
  • There are brownish-grey dots along the costa and dorsum.
  • Venter is lighter than dorsum, sometimes light ash-gray.
  • There is a white spot on the dorsum beyond the middle.
  • The forewings are brown, the dorsum dark brownish grey basally.
  • It's difficult to see dorsum in a sentence .
  • There is some darker suffusion towards the dorsum near the base.
  • Below this is a third distinctly separated dot above the dorsum.
  • There are cattered slightly ochreous scales, especially on the dorsum.
  • The hindwings are dark grey, towards the dorsum tinged indigo.
  • The ridge Dorsum Heim on the Moon was also named after him.
  • Dorsum Azara on the Moon is also named after him.
  • Their dorsum is convex, lightly colored without cross striations.
  • The wrinkle ridge Dorsum Owen on the Moon is named after him.
  • The wrinkle ridge Dorsum Oppel on the Moon is named after him,
  • The underfur on the back ( dorsum ) is gray and course.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define dorsum in a sentence and how is the word dorsum used in a sentence and examples? dorsum造句, dorsum造句, 用dorsum造句, dorsum meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.