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daily cycle in a sentence

"daily cycle" in Chinese  


  • Calendars were created by humankind based on astronomical, seasonal and daily cycles.
  • Matins is the longest and most complex of the daily cycle of services.
  • Daily cycles are also influenced by the activity of photosynthetic organisms.
  • The gene is turned off and on during the daily cycle.
  • Orthros is the longest and most complex of the daily cycle of services.
  • Of course, strong weather sytems can overpower these daily cycles.
  • Anything is better than the daily cycle of chemical torture.
  • Plants operate on a daily cycle, charging at night and discharging during the day.
  • This daily cycle is interrupted for tests and additional topics.
  • Rasmussen Reports generates a daily cycle of news reports based on original survey results.
  • It's difficult to see daily cycle in a sentence .
  • Of course, strong weather systems can overwhelm these daily cycles.
  • Inshore from an island, there may be a complex daily cycle with four high tides.
  • With her slowed-down daily cycle, her meals were more spread out and she lost in weight.
  • Genmay's posting follows a daily cycle to a far greater degree of precision than most forums.
  • But it's a daily cycle, and there's no cycle in men that's longer than a day.
  • Often, strong weather systems overwhelm these daily cycles.
  • Strong weather systems can overwhelm these daily cycles.
  • The earth rotates on a daily cycle.
  • The contribution of solar energy to the daily cycle of temperature is limited when sun angles are low.
  • In addition, in most species the accretion of calcium carbonate and gelatinous matrix alternates on a daily cycle.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define daily cycle in a sentence and how is the word daily cycle used in a sentence and examples? daily cycle造句, daily cycle造句, 用daily cycle造句, daily cycle meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.