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curly hair in a sentence

"curly hair" in Chinese  


  • He has a floppy mop of brown curly hair and a beard.
  • Many clues have a loose " parks " connection : Curly hair?
  • One catches your eye : a young man with dark, curly hair.
  • She had very thick, curly hair and always tried to straighten it.
  • Curly hair increases the likelihood of PFB by a factor of 50.
  • On the bearded head with short curly hair sits a winged helm.
  • The woman is straightening her naturally curly hair with a hot iron.
  • He might lose his unruly mop of curly hair, a distinguishing characteristic.
  • Ms . Brown is taller, with a narrower face and curly hair.
  • Ms . Hopkinson said recently : brown, curly hair and pale skin.
  • It's difficult to see curly hair in a sentence .
  • Caution ( and moderation ) is well advised, especially for curly hair.
  • She has thick, brown curly hair and is petite rather than threatening.
  • But women used to pinch my cheeks and touch my curly hair.
  • She had dark curly hair, brown eyes and a Grecian nose.
  • Her curly hair had a cute red satin bow right in the top.
  • Stems have nodes that are lined with long, sometimes curly hairs.
  • He is clean shaven, with curly hair and a friendly expression.
  • His name means " one with curly hair " in Gaulish.
  • Bing depicts Sambo as a happy boy with short curly hair.
  • The other alleged suspect has a thick crop of curly hair.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define curly hair in a sentence and how is the word curly hair used in a sentence and examples? curly hair造句, curly hair造句, 用curly hair造句, curly hair meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.