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certain in a sentence

"certain" in Chinese  "certain" meaning  


  • Midfielder Tab Ramos can be seen hawking a certain candy bar.
  • The federal law allowed the states a certain amount of discretion.
  • It does not mean that the amount of payment is certain.
  • Our views of how certain things would work were certainly confirmed,
  • But she was certain that she would work outside the home.
  • He is not certain if the fire can ever be rekindled.
  • I think teams in first have a certain presence to them.
  • On certain days, I hit pretty long off the tee.
  • Certain improvements in other areas are a given for the 49ers.
  • But nothing is certain in this super-heated broadcast environment.
  • It's difficult to see certain in a sentence .
  • Certain other workers may get notices later, the memo said.
  • That mixture produced a certain kind of music that people love.
  • I'm not certain what's going to happen.
  • But one thing is certain : the material is being unearthed.
  • And he brings a certain aura of the battler, too.
  • A certain part of my brain tissue stays on automatic pilot.
  • Ms . David, nonetheless, has certain issues in mind.
  • Likewise, certain sounds may evoke common feelings, says Alkon.
  • He taught us certain things to look for on the field,
  • The hydrant has undiminishing appeal, at least for certain ages.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define certain in a sentence and how is the word certain used in a sentence and examples? certain造句, certain造句, 用certain造句, certain meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.