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capacitor in a sentence

"capacitor" in Chinese  "capacitor" meaning  


  • Palladium is used in ceramic capacitors in mobile telephones and computers.
  • Honda says it has applied for a patent for the capacitor.
  • Those capacitors were of a different design and a different manufacturer.
  • She spread the goopy resin on capacitor molds along with epoxy.
  • The energy used in each pulse is stored in a capacitor.
  • The electrical charge stored in the capacitor is measured in coulombs.
  • CSI inverter commutation methods include load commutation and parallel capacitor commutation.
  • Lowering the electrolyte level influences the electrical parameters of the capacitors.
  • The capacitor forms a parallel resonant circuit with the ignition coil.
  • Associated capacitors and resistors were contained inside the wound coil form.
  • It's difficult to see capacitor in a sentence .
  • This phenomenon is the same as the breakdown of a capacitor.
  • This process uses a direct-current arc from a capacitor.
  • Additional 95 Mvar reactive power is delivered by a capacitor bank.
  • It also contains capacitors for the electrical stimulation of the neurons.
  • A charged bank of electrical capacitors is switched onto the anode.
  • The voltage proof of nearly all capacitors decreases with increasing temperature.
  • This resistance between the terminals of a capacitor is also finite.
  • It is used in capacitors, electromechanical transducers and nonlinear optics.
  • Capacitor charged or not is used to store 1 or 0.
  • An ion detector is analogous to a capacitor or vacuum tube.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define capacitor in a sentence and how is the word capacitor used in a sentence and examples? capacitor造句, capacitor造句, 用capacitor造句, capacitor meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.