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by force of in a sentence

"by force of" in Chinese  


  • In 1847 it was occupied by forces of the Spanish General Concha.
  • Rictor is captured alongside Warlock by forces of the island nation Genosha.
  • It was not a taking by force of fear, " he said.
  • He was not captured by force of arms, but by their softness.
  • "By force of habit, they demand a rate premium, " he said.
  • Schoeman's faction then tried to restore their position by force of arms.
  • The speeding vehicle would then smash warheads apart by force of impact.
  • Her goal was to create a Protestant Guyenne by force of arms.
  • She confronted these difficulties head-on and worked through them by force of will.
  • The remaining portion of the railroad was constructed by forces of the carrier.
  • It's difficult to see by force of in a sentence .
  • We do not wish to take power by force of arm,
  • William is the last person to successfully invade England by force of arms.
  • They are by force of law, not force of arms, going to move,
  • The action is realized by force of OTOSes, schoolchildren and volunteers.
  • Each artist inherits'" schemata " that designate reality by force of convention '.
  • Louis IV, Holy Roman Emperor had taken the Palatinate by force of arms.
  • These male characters are hurt by forces of decay and corruption.
  • They had earned that role by force of arms, Krasniqi said.
  • William set to work regaining his patrimony by force of arms.
  • Its positions were replaced by forces of a weakened German 31st Infantry Division.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
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