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breaking point in a sentence

"breaking point" in Chinese  "breaking point" meaning  


  • And what constitutes the breaking point for both types ? 900 words.
  • We kept pushing and pushing and they finally reached the breaking point.
  • The roles they had settled into become strained to the breaking point.
  • An important strand in the safety net was near the breaking point.
  • It is like a rubber band being stretched to the breaking point.
  • Kemp has been building toward this breaking point for nearly a year.
  • And finally it just got to the breaking point on March 28.
  • The System : The American Way of Politics at the Breaking Point
  • Surely that shows how young bones are tested beyond their breaking point.
  • I think we are talking this weekend as a breaking point.
  • It's difficult to see breaking point in a sentence .
  • It also signified a breaking point with education in Ghicas ).
  • The reality was that the process was at a breaking point.
  • But none of the columns were stressed to the breaking point.
  • And also our breaking point when one of those standards comes tumbling down.
  • Two plot threads intersect to push Wade to the breaking point.
  • The breaking point for recessionary conditions is generally regarded as 80.
  • Meanwhile, things are to the breaking point between Sakura and Hanae.
  • The armies of Eumenes and his allies were at breaking point.
  • This stretches the assumption of good faith to the breaking point.
  • Granted, baseball abused its customers to the breaking point and beyond.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define breaking point in a sentence and how is the word breaking point used in a sentence and examples? breaking point造句, breaking point造句, 用breaking point造句, breaking point meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.