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boat building in a sentence

"boat building" in Chinese  


  • Hopkins retired in 1991 and took up boat building as a hobby.
  • Subsequent industries have included a boat building yard, and a clam cannery.
  • Kuwait was the center of boat building in the Persian Gulf region.
  • Several boatyards specialise in boat sales, boat hire, boat building and repairs.
  • Knottingley continued as a centre for boat building into the 20th century.
  • The early coal mines in Plymouth supported an ancillary industry, boat building.
  • Rocking the Boat is in the business of educating through boat building.
  • His boat building business becomes highly successful and thrives in the township.
  • The construction of boats is a similar activity called boat building.
  • From the 1820s Mori began building vessels in the European boat building tradition.
  • It's difficult to see boat building in a sentence .
  • Missions flown against German U-boat building yards had similarly disappointing results.
  • At one time he was managing director of Southeast Boat Building.
  • Dollies can also be used in boat building, when clenching nails.
  • Early residents took part in boat building, farming, and shell fishing.
  • Boat building, he explained, is all about fighting rot and decay.
  • Some of these yards have advanced in composites boat building technology.
  • Various classes and demonstrations were planned to be offered, including actual boat building.
  • For the Tao, boat building is the ultimate creation of beauty.
  • In the 1960s and 1970s a small independent boat building community developed there.
  • Industries include two fish processing & freezing plants and a boat building facility.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define boat building in a sentence and how is the word boat building used in a sentence and examples? boat building造句, boat building造句, 用boat building造句, boat building meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.