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blood pressure in a sentence

"blood pressure" in Chinese  "blood pressure" meaning  


  • The blood pressure is high on both sides of the Atlantic,
  • Holding your breath can cause a dramatic rise in blood pressure.
  • The arteries also withstood blood pressures the same as native vessels.
  • We now know that it matters how we lower blood pressure.
  • Doctors wiped sweat from his brow and checked his blood pressure.
  • He had stomach pains and his blood pressure dropped very low.
  • Her heart rate had accelerated and she had high blood pressure.
  • Blood pressure : 140 / 90 measured in a sitting position.
  • He was diagnosed with high blood pressure and an irregular heartbeat.
  • Tests showed that the entertainer was suffering from low blood pressure.
  • It's difficult to see blood pressure in a sentence .
  • He added that hostility could bring blood pressure up even more.
  • A healthy level of denial keeps the collective blood pressure down.
  • A device called a sphygmomanometer measures blood pressure as two numbers.
  • The most elaborate medical tasks they do is taking blood pressure.
  • She had high cholesterol and high blood pressure and was overweight.
  • The computer users also showed a bigger drop in blood pressure.
  • But the blood pressure of Middle England is set to rise.
  • Some doctors theorized that PPA caused strokes by raising blood pressure.
  • The average blood pressure for the students was 110 over 65.
  • But her blood pressure was holding steady at 105 / 60.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define blood pressure in a sentence and how is the word blood pressure used in a sentence and examples? blood pressure造句, blood pressure造句, 用blood pressure造句, blood pressure meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.