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associated in a sentence

"associated" in Chinese  "associated" meaning  


  • The cause was a heart attack, The Associated Press reported.
  • Peter Evans, a childhood friend, told the Associated Press.
  • Sykes had been an associate with Cadwalader Wickersham for five years.
  • Associated Estates Realty Corp ., Cleveland, 3 million shares.
  • It is behavior not normally associated with spreadsheets and data bases.
  • None of the auxiliary costs associated with maintenance are tax deductible.
  • Orza, the associate general counsel of the union, said.
  • The cause was a heart attack, the Associated Press reported.
  • The cause was a gastrointestinal hemorrhage, The Associated Press reported.
  • Warren Ashworth, my associate, is also working on these.
  • It's difficult to see associated in a sentence .
  • Cisneros has reportedly told associates he would be willing to resign.
  • Some of Noriega's closest associates ask the same question.
  • He and his associates have cross-referenced and correlated documents.
  • For the Second Circuit, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice,
  • For the Sixth Circuit, John Paul Stevens, Associate Justice,
  • For the Seventh Circuit, John Paul Stevens, Associate Justice,
  • Contrarian is not the first word one would associate with Talbots.
  • Ensign Richard Bates of the Coast Guard told The Associated Press.
  • "They don't associate with murderers ."
  • Ferguson and Bonderman have been friends and associates for many years.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define associated in a sentence and how is the word associated used in a sentence and examples? associated造句, associated造句, 用associated造句, associated meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.