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alluvial gold in a sentence

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  • The same aqueducts were used to wash the extensive alluvial gold deposits.
  • When the alluvial gold ran out, mining turned to quartz reef mining.
  • By 1868 the best of the alluvial gold had petered out.
  • When alluvial gold deposits were exhausted in the 1800s, deeper mines were necessary.
  • Much alluvial gold was found in the area but the'fossicking'petered out by 1859.
  • The river remains, to a lesser degree, a source of alluvial gold and diamonds.
  • As surface alluvial gold ran out, gold seekers were forced to look further underground.
  • Although they found alluvial gold, there were no large deposits.
  • Alluvial gold is also given free by followers to Moro.
  • Alluvial gold was discovered in 1873, and the town experienced a brief gold rush.
  • It's difficult to see alluvial gold in a sentence .
  • In a year the alluvial gold had been exhausted and shallow reef mining commenced.
  • His strike, Wire Patch, consisted of alluvial gold in wire, leaf and crystalline forms.
  • Most rivers draining the Birimian rocks hold alluvial gold deposits.
  • Its history can be traced back to 1873 when Alex Patterson discovered alluvial gold.
  • The panning of alluvial gold was also an encouraged activity for members of the movement.
  • Eurocantera extracts alluvial gold in Honduras deposits using an innovative process which requires only water.
  • By the 1860s the alluvial gold was exhausted and a shift to quartz reef mining began.
  • The initial and very successful gold mining in Ravenswood was by panning of the alluvial gold.
  • Alluvial gold deposits could be worked and the gold extracted without needing to crush the ore.
  • It was like trying to find alluvial gold,
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
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