airspeed calibration in a sentence
- It has since completed the airspeed calibration, natural icing, engine nacelle anti-icing, crosswind validation tests and is preparing for a stall flight test.
- NACA pilots Robert A . Champine and John H . Griffith flew 21 times in this configuration to test airspeed calibrations and to research longitudinal and lateral stability and control.
- ARJ21-700 AC104 successfully completed one flight of supplementary applicant flight test for compliance of airspeed calibration on October 30, 2014, which led to an entire completion of all flight tests undertaken by AC104 before Type Certification ( TC ).
- It's difficult to see airspeed calibration in a sentence .
How can I put and write and define airspeed calibration in a sentence and how is the word airspeed calibration used in a sentence and examples? airspeed calibration造句, airspeed calibration造句, 用airspeed calibration造句, airspeed calibration meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by