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aircraft in a sentence

"aircraft" in Chinese  "aircraft" meaning  


  • Ernest Stewart, one of 11 crew members on the aircraft.
  • But most owners rent their aircraft, or buy used airplanes.
  • Flight instruction is listed in the telephone book under aircraft schools.
  • More aircraft are urgently needed, and could surely be provided.
  • -- Making passage aboard the aircraft affordable to everyday travelers.
  • You know how some aircraft have fins up by the nose?
  • The aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower is not easy to turn around.
  • Many were smiling and waving to the low-flying aircraft.
  • She would like to land an airplane on an aircraft carrier.
  • One of the aircraft hit the roof of an apartment building.
  • It's difficult to see aircraft in a sentence .
  • Among its clients are ship owners, aircraft companies and fishermen.
  • The aircraft was to continue to West Palm Beach, Fla.
  • Over the target it was hit by anti-aircraft fire.
  • Now in 1995 and 1996 those aircraft are no longer around.
  • But the book isn't easy for the aircraft challenged.
  • The Federal Aviation Authority banned aircraft from flying over the stadium.
  • It resembled a dank, decaying aircraft hangar from another era.
  • Aircraft production dropped from seven a month to fewer than two.
  • Aircraft propellers mounted on high platforms are used by other growers.
  • IBM stole the solution from fighter planes carried on aircraft carriers.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define aircraft in a sentence and how is the word aircraft used in a sentence and examples? aircraft造句, aircraft造句, 用aircraft造句, aircraft meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.