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airbus in a sentence

"airbus" in Chinese  "airbus" meaning  


  • That's a bit optimistic for both Boeing and Airbus.
  • The contract was awarded to Airbus Industrie, a European consortium.
  • Airbus is driven to increase its market share at our expense,
  • The cuts include military aircraft, regional aircraft and Airbus production.
  • The order is a victory for Airbus over Boeing Co ..
  • The airlines need and benefit from a strong competitor like Airbus.
  • We have already discussed with Airbus and Boeing the delivery schedule.
  • We have already discussed with Boeing and Airbus the delivery schedule.
  • He didn't discuss details of Airbus's bid.
  • A spokesman for GE declined to comment on any Airbus purchase.
  • It's difficult to see airbus in a sentence .
  • In recent years, Airbus has sought to introduce competitive bidding.
  • Yet Airbus planes still tend to cost more than Boeing models.
  • Executives at Airbus said an Asian partner would be particularly likely.
  • In recent years, Airbus has won more and more orders.
  • GE and Airbus declined to say how much GE would pay.
  • Airbus has estimated the market at 1, 400 big planes.
  • The new carrier will fly wide-body Airbus Industrie A300s.
  • Rival Airbus Industrie is also designing a jumbo " jet.
  • Airbus is the only other company working on such a plane.
  • That leaves Airbus Industrie as the only other major world supplier.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define airbus in a sentence and how is the word airbus used in a sentence and examples? airbus造句, airbus造句, 用airbus造句, airbus meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.