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air crossing in a sentence

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  • Cold air crossing the unfrozen Great Lakes will generate snow showers near the eastern shores.
  • The outward journey is also the first air crossing of the Atlantic from east to west.
  • The culprit for the prodigious rain was a flow of chilly Canadian air crossing Lake Erie.
  • It is remembered in aviation history for the first east west non-stop heavier-than-air crossing of the Atlantic.
  • Much of Sunday's snow was a result of cold air crossing the upstream waters of the Great Salt Lake.
  • While dry conditions will prevail, colder air crossing the Great Lakes will finally induce more widespread snow showers and squalls.
  • Arctic air crossing the upper Great Lakes will produce snow showers and squalls from northern Michigan to central New York.
  • The last remnant of photographic survey is successfully completed, and the three complete their air crossing to North America, making landfall in eastern Canada.
  • Elsewhere, cool air crossing the warmer waters of the Great Lakes will induce a few snow showers over upstate New York and northern Michigan.
  • *1919  The British military airship R . 34, operated by the Royal Air Force ( RAF ), accomplishes the first two-way transatlantic air crossing.
  • It's difficult to see air crossing in a sentence .
  • Chilly air crossing the tepid eastern Great Lakes will produce numerous clouds and a few sprinkles on the east side of Lakes Erie and Ontario.
  • Every winter, moistened Arctic air crossing open waters is forced to rise over the ridge, setting the stage for a few hundred inches of snow.
  • In the same way that a hot-air balloon rises, cold air crossing the warmer lakes incites currents of damp air to ascend, often leading to clouds and precipitation.
  • Netanyahu said that in a long-term interim period, ahead of a final peace settlement, Israel must retain control over land, sea and air crossings to ensure that Palestinian areas are completely disarmed.
  • In a long-term interim period, ahead of a final peace settlement, Israel must retain control over land, sea and air crossings to ensure that Palestinian areas are completely disarmed, Netanyahu said Thursday.
  • The first lighter-than-air crossings of the Atlantic were made by airship in July 1919 by His Majesty's Airship Los Angeles ", which had not flown since 1932, was dismantled in late 1939.
  • He / she may also order the Civil Aviation Department to prohibit the landing or leaving, embarking or disembarking of an aircraft . This power also extends to land, sea or air crossings.
  • Although it had been planned to continue the journey by ship, he made an impulsive decision to complete it by a direct flight from Bermuda to England, marking the first trans-Atlantic air crossing by a national leader.
  • In 1922 he was in charge of the navigation cruiser " NRP Rep鷅lica " ( of the Carvalho Ara鷍o class ) during the first air crossing of the South Atlantic by Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro.
  • "' Jo鉶 Ribeiro de Barros "'( 4 April 1900 & ndash; 20 July 1947 ) was the first aviator of the three Americas to make an air crossing from Europe to America, on April 28, 1927, crossing the Atlantic Ocean with the Savoia-Marchetti S . 55 hydroplane " Jah?".
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