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air cooler in a sentence

"air cooler" in Chinese  


  • There is some confusion in terminology between aftercooler, intercooler, and charge-air cooler.
  • At a warehouse, police found industrial-sized gas tanks, air coolers and generators.
  • Not only is the air cooler, but smog levels are lower.
  • In general, an intercooler or aftercooler is said to be a Charge-Air Cooler.
  • In general, an intercooler or aftercooler is said to be a charge-air cooler.
  • Products produced in the Greensburg plant include radiators, charged air coolers, heat exchangers, etc.
  • Evaporative Air Cooler ( $ 300; www . convair . net . au ).
  • ThumbCharge air coolers range in size depending on the engine.
  • The center windows have been raised to allow installation of a window-type air cooler.
  • At least the seats will be wider, the lights brighter, the playoff air cooler.
  • It's difficult to see air cooler in a sentence .
  • The company manufactures air coolers, gas heaters, gas cookers and washing machines among other products.
  • Sooner than I'd have thought, the shadows were beginning to be longer, the air cooler.
  • Evaporative Air Cooler . ( Austin American-Statesman ) MOVED.
  • We sell about 200 refrigerators, 400 electric stoves, 125 washing machines and 50 air coolers monthly.
  • Vestas built the first marine diesel engine charge air cooler for Burmeister & Wain in 1956.
  • Applications for CuproBraze include charge air coolers, radiators, oil coolers, climate control systems, and heat transfer cores.
  • A "'car cooler "'is an automobile window-mounted evaporative air cooler, sometimes referred to as a swamp cooler.
  • Text taken from Av-Tekk Charge-Air Coolers website
  • Thermal cycling creates weak spots in aluminium tubes, which in turn causes charge air coolers to fail prematurely.
  • More bespoke than the prior Garrett turbocharger with a water-cooled charge air cooler and an electric water pump.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define air cooler in a sentence and how is the word air cooler used in a sentence and examples? air cooler造句, air cooler造句, 用air cooler造句, air cooler meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.