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aikido in a sentence

"aikido" in Chinese  "aikido" meaning  


  • "With aikido, it's all circular movement.
  • In 1993, Jarman retired to concentrate on Zen and Aikido.
  • The Yoshinkan style is currently the second largest aikido organization worldwide.
  • He was President of European Aikido Federation from 1981-1987.
  • It incorporates techniques from aikido through the influence of Kenji Tomiki.
  • In 1989, he received the 7th dan in Aikikai aikido.
  • Sultan was an honored President of the Aikido Federation of Ukraine.
  • The Jan de Jong Martial Arts School continues to teach aikido.
  • In 1957, Kobayashi started training full-time in aikido.
  • Aikido classes were taken over by Kiyoyuki Terada, 10th dan.
  • It's difficult to see aikido in a sentence .
  • Each teacher teaches his own Aikido, without standards or limitations.
  • Many of these practices are based on aikido movements or principles.
  • My primary motivation was to improve the Aikido and related articles.
  • Aikido gives him the physical and emotional release he needs.
  • The philosophy of aikido is about harmony and reconciliation of opposing forces.
  • Other studies also suggest that aikido works for violent children.
  • Examples include aikido, judo, kyudo, and kendo.
  • For example, the Tokyo Riot Police's use of aikido.
  • He was also devoted to aikido, and enjoyed golf as well.
  • Yoshokai Aikido closely links techniques, basic movements, and weapons techniques.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define aikido in a sentence and how is the word aikido used in a sentence and examples? aikido造句, aikido造句, 用aikido造句, aikido meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.