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agglutinating in a sentence

"agglutinating" in Chinese  


  • The LMB is a yacht club that agglutinates around 400 associates.
  • The supernatant fluid is tested for agglutinating activity for guinea pig erythrocytes.
  • Temporal references are usually accomplished using agglutinated nouns or verbs.
  • Schlumbergerinids are composed of acid soluble agglutinated material over a porcelenous base.
  • Two subclasses are included, the agglutinated Ammodiscana and the calcareous Spirillinana.
  • Includes the porcelaceous and agglutinated Miliolida and the monocrystalline and agglutinated Spirillinida.
  • Includes the porcelaceous and agglutinated Miliolida and the monocrystalline and agglutinated Spirillinida.
  • Lectins are similar to antibodies in their ability to agglutinate red blood cells.
  • A pyroclastic cone in the western crater may be associated with this agglutinate.
  • Middle Mongol is an agglutinating language that makes nearly exclusive use of suffixes.
  • It's difficult to see agglutinating in a sentence .
  • Aymara is an agglutinating and, to a certain extent, a polysynthetic language.
  • Immune exclusion is a process of agglutinating peristaltically.
  • ConA strongly agglutinates erythrocytes irrespective of blood-group, and various cancerous cells.
  • It is a primarily prefixing language with agglutinating verbal complexes and relatively straightforward syntax.
  • The Ammodiscana are composed of fine agglutinated matter.
  • The agglutinated wall is externally imperforate, the interior with a coarse alveolar network.
  • Amphioxus intelectin has been shown to agglutinate bacteria.
  • The resulting product retained its immunological function, and was capable of agglutinating pneumococcal bacteria.
  • Agglutinated foraminifera have a long geological history spanning the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic.
  • The Textulariana, which contains forms that are rather similar, differs in be agglutinated.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define agglutinating in a sentence and how is the word agglutinating used in a sentence and examples? agglutinating造句, agglutinating造句, 用agglutinating造句, agglutinating meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.