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aflac in a sentence

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  • Aflac will avoid new infractions by informing workers, said Spencer.
  • Williams : The problem with AFLAC is not the Japanese economy.
  • Harris is also expected in Tokyo because of his AFLAC connection.
  • The ads feature a pushy duck that quacks " AFLAC!
  • AFLAC gets more than 70 percent of its revenues from Japan.
  • As a preemptive strike, AFLAC launched a new advertising campaign.
  • The Aflac duck rides a roller coaster in its latest appearance.
  • Gottfried was also the voice of the Aflac Duck until 2011.
  • He has gained recognition for his participation in ads for Aflac.
  • Shares in Aflac rose 1 / 8 to 34 1 / 8.
  • It's difficult to see aflac in a sentence .
  • Even the AFLAC trivia question has some meat to it.
  • Soon after Pataki's inauguration, Aflac began its lobbying efforts.
  • Beneficiary : AFLAC Cancer Center of Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.
  • More than 25 percent of the Japanese population is insured by Aflac.
  • They may still think it sounds like a duck .'AFLAC!
  • Successful insurer AFLAC won't duck when Japan deregulates the insurance market
  • AFLAC is an unlikely candidate for a Japanese success story.
  • Lewis reiterated a " neutral " rating on AFLAC stock.
  • TNT at 8 : Coverage of the AFLAC Japan Open.
  • AFLAC can use it long after the Olympics have ended.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define aflac in a sentence and how is the word aflac used in a sentence and examples? aflac造句, aflac造句, 用aflac造句, aflac meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.