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adherens in a sentence

"adherens" in Chinese  


  • Thus cardiomyocyte adherens junctions differ from epithelial adherens junctions and desmosomes.
  • Thus cardiomyocyte adherens junctions differ from epithelial adherens junctions and desmosomes.
  • The encoded protein affects the formation of adherens junction.
  • In addition it was shown to participate in adherens junctions and regulate vascular permeability.
  • This may serve as a mechanism for how actin is recruited to adherens junctions.
  • For example, the circumferential contractile actin belts of adherens junctions contribute to cellular morphogenesis.
  • Nectins are the second major class of transmembrane adhesion molecules at adherens junctions, besides cadherins.
  • A similar cell junction in non-epithelial, non-endothelial cells is the fascia adherens.
  • Cadherins form the cell-cell junctional structures known as adherens junctions as well as the desmosomes.
  • Desmosomes also provide strength and durability to cells and tissues and are located just below adherens junctions.
  • It's difficult to see adherens in a sentence .
  • The adherens junctions consist of large number of proteins including ?-actinin, vinculin and cytoskeletal actin.
  • These represent an amalgamation of typical desmosomal and fascia adherens proteins ( in contrast to various epithelia ).
  • A junctional complex characterises this domain and consists of three specialized areas; the macula adherens ( desmosome ).
  • Adherens junctions, also called zonula adherens, are multiprotein complexes formed by proteins of the catenin and cadherin families.
  • Adherens junctions, also called zonula adherens, are multiprotein complexes formed by proteins of the catenin and cadherin families.
  • Depletion of paracingulin by shRNA in cultured kidney cells ( MDCK ) does not alter tight or adherens junctions organization.
  • In the outer cells, the cell polarity sequesters AMOT from basolateral adherens junctions to apical domains, thereby suppressing Hippo signaling.
  • The accepted model has been that adherens junctions serve as a bridge connecting the actin cytoskeleton of neighboring cells through direct interaction.
  • GPR56 is a target gene for vezatin, an adherens junctions transmembrane protein, which is a tumor suppressor in gastric cancer.
  • In sea urchins, epithelial cells adhere to one another as well as the hyaline layer through classic adherens and cadherin junctions.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
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