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acropora in a sentence

"acropora" in Chinese  "acropora" meaning  


  • Juveniles may be found in shallow " Acropora " thickets.
  • The lagoon floor is covered with thick sand deposits and thickets of staghorn Acropora.
  • "Acropora " species are challenging to keep in a home aquarium.
  • In 2014 she described several new species including " Acropora macrocalyx ".
  • It inhabits tropical reefs where it is associated with " Acropora " corals.
  • Captive propagation of " Acropora " is widespread in the reef-keeping community.
  • The Pulau Banyak area contains many varieties of stony Heliopora and branching Acropora types of coral.
  • "Acropora grandis " liberates its gametes into the sea where fertilisation takes place.
  • They are reef dwellers being found at depths of from and in association with " Acropora " corals.
  • "Acropora loripes " is a hermaphrodite and the different colonies in an area synchronise their breeding activity.
  • It's difficult to see acropora in a sentence .
  • Most of the pieces are rough or sharp and are largely of the Acropora reticulata type, or of similar form.
  • "Acropora " is most common in shallow reef environments with bright light and moderate to high water motion.
  • It inhabits lagoons and reefs, and often occurs in large numbers, feeding above " Acropora " corals.
  • In addition, staghorn coral " Acropora cervicornis " occurs on the ridge's windward and leeward flanks.
  • Depending on the species and location, " Acropora " species may grow as plates or slender or broad branches.
  • In 2014 the U . S . Fish and Wildlife Service has listed 10 " Acropora " species as Threatened.
  • Biofluorescence may assist in intraspecific communication and camouflage, blending the fish with green-fluorescing " Acropora " corals.
  • "Acropora secale " is a hermaphrodite and both female gonads and testes are present and mature once a year.
  • In the Seychelles, this crab was found living on a different species of coral, " Acropora formosa ".
  • Terre de Haut has coral reefs with diverse communities, invested with large corals ( " Acropora palmata " ).
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define acropora in a sentence and how is the word acropora used in a sentence and examples? acropora造句, acropora造句, 用acropora造句, acropora meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.