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acheron in a sentence

"acheron" in Chinese  "acheron" meaning  


  • When Acheron dies, Silvah suddenly stops fighting, and collapses.
  • Acheron Design's notable releases have largely been sports games.
  • There are two rivers in the region : the Thyamis and Acheron.
  • Odysseus visited the Underworld, entering through river Acheron in northwest Greece.
  • Acheron Design was founded in 2004 by Lewis Strudwick and Athol Birtley.
  • The " Acheron " falls for the disguise and is disabled.
  • Rivers include the Louros in the east, and Acheron in the north.
  • On December 27, 2010, it was announced that Acheron have reunited.
  • At its foot, the river Acheron passes by.
  • In addition, Acheron Design has worked on numerous DVD trivia board games.
  • It's difficult to see acheron in a sentence .
  • Athena's divine power were sealed by the intervention of Acheron Charon.
  • The name comes from Acheron, a river of the underworld in Greek mythology.
  • She goes to where the others are fighting Silvah, and helps Silvah kill Acheron.
  • Kayn'dar's spirit had entered Silvah's body and become Acheron.
  • Alexander was allegedly warned by an oracle to beware of Pandosia and the Acheron river.
  • In September 2007, Film Victoria announced investment in the Acheron Design project The Nightspot.
  • "Acheron " was sold on 9 May 1921 to Ward for breaking.
  • He lives in the orcish realm of the " Nishrek " in Acheron.
  • By this myth, Acheron is also the father of Ascalaphus by either Orphne or Gorgyra.
  • Acheron is the master of Selina.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define acheron in a sentence and how is the word acheron used in a sentence and examples? acheron造句, acheron造句, 用acheron造句, acheron meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.