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accoutrement in a sentence

"accoutrement" in Chinese  "accoutrement" meaning  


  • It's a tourist town, with all the accoutrements.
  • Let no one be fooled by Deion's neon accoutrements.
  • Griffey is an excellent accoutrement, an attention-grabbing bauble.
  • Without all the cooling accoutrements, the thing could fry itself.
  • Additional accoutrements include a female vocalist as well as an MC.
  • The Voltigeurs wore grey uniforms, with black facings and accoutrements.
  • The saber was more a traditional accoutrement than a combat weapon.
  • The whole was embellished with additional carols, customs and accoutrements.
  • What's the perfect accoutrement for a date in the 1990s?
  • I travel with all the cumbersome accoutrements of oil painting.
  • It's difficult to see accoutrement in a sentence .
  • Apparently, Nathan sees the accoutrements of wealth as his just rewards.
  • Her line of baby accoutrements is due out this spring.
  • Providing unlimited accoutrements is no longer feasible, he said.
  • Interpretations of the color of her robe and accoutrements vary as well.
  • The G Package included aesthetic accoutrement like alloy wheels and leather seats.
  • Steampunk fashion has later gone on to include gadgets and contrasting accoutrements.
  • Accoutrements include a divisional kerchief worn around the neck and yellow suspenders.
  • The men were furnished with new Springfields or Enfield Rifles and Accoutrements.
  • The stonework has been painted and the ecclesiastical accoutrements removed.
  • "They're buying Windows and all the accoutrements ."
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define accoutrement in a sentence and how is the word accoutrement used in a sentence and examples? accoutrement造句, accoutrement造句, 用accoutrement造句, accoutrement meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.