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acceptable limits in a sentence

"acceptable limits" in Chinese  


  • Every one is trying to define the acceptable limits of bipartisanship.
  • Carbon monoxide and nitrous oxide levels are also above acceptable limits.
  • Carbon monoxide and nitrous oxide levels also are above acceptable limits.
  • The pH level has always been within acceptable limits, he said.
  • We really stretched the patience of our customers to the acceptable limit.
  • An acceptable limit of NRW is below 25 per cent.
  • But Balkenende said the prince's remarks were within acceptable limits.
  • By these standards we are well within acceptable limits.
  • The law involves some redistribution of authority, but within clearly acceptable limits.
  • The maximum acceptable limit of a leakage current is generally 210 micro amperes.
  • It's difficult to see acceptable limits in a sentence .
  • One year is on the high side, but is within acceptable limits.
  • Hundred points is considered the maximum acceptable limit.
  • The particular RfA that sparked this thread fell well under acceptable limits for promotion.
  • The preferable route is a reduction that produces a probabilistic result within acceptable limits.
  • (BBOX ) Let your child know that you decide on acceptable limits and boundaries.
  • He was not doing well because he had multiple absences, way beyond the acceptable limit,
  • The cycle of attack and counterattack can escalate beyond acceptable limits or produce an unexpected backlash.
  • Cairo's air exceeds the World Health Organization's acceptable limits for most pollutants.
  • He said he thought it would be possible to craft legally acceptable limits on soft money donations.
  • During this stage acceptable limits, baselines, and data collection and measurement protocols should be established.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define acceptable limits in a sentence and how is the word acceptable limits used in a sentence and examples? acceptable limits造句, acceptable limits造句, 用acceptable limits造句, acceptable limits meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.