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accenture in a sentence

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  • Accenture wanted to see if drug makers met their ambitious goals.
  • She had spent the weekend at a conference sponsored by Accenture.
  • ACCENTURE-BERMUDA ( moved on Monday, Aug . 5)
  • ApproTEC is a finalist in the Accenture Economic Development Award category.
  • It also shifted jobs to other companies, such as Accenture.
  • Hawrysh said Accenture's US employment overall rose last year.
  • Accenture, which is based in Bermuda, refused comment Tuesday.
  • He won the WGC-Accenture Match Play Championship in 2002.
  • Notable partners include Siemens, Nokia, Nortel, and Accenture.
  • BrandSphere s corporate clients included Accenture, EcoMedia and Merrill Lynch.
  • It's difficult to see accenture in a sentence .
  • In April, Accenture launched new Life Sciences Solutions Accenture Digital.
  • In April, Accenture launched new Life Sciences Solutions Accenture Digital.
  • Steve Stricker, winner of the Accenture Match Play Championship?
  • Accenture and Cingular Wireless don't have much name recognition yet.
  • Accenture is the new name of the former Andersen Consulting.
  • Ksido, 46, worked as a consultant for Accenture.
  • Those who follow, they want to borrow a page from Accenture.
  • A spokeswoman for Accenture wasn't available to comment.
  • First, Accenture's profits fell sharply because of its reorganization.
  • BC-ACCENTURE-BERMUDA-NYT ( moved on August 5)
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define accenture in a sentence and how is the word accenture used in a sentence and examples? accenture造句, accenture造句, 用accenture造句, accenture meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.