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abysmally in a sentence

"abysmally" in Chinese  "abysmally" meaning  


  • Only the supremely wise and the abysmally ignorant do not change.
  • Health facilities in the years 1975 to 1978 were abysmally poor.
  • "We're doing abysmally on this issue.
  • Anyone who makes such a suggestion is considered abysmally ignorant or worse.
  • It's also blamed on abysmally low fish catches.
  • Even the new-season offerings from old favourites are abysmally bad.
  • I happened to know that the abysmally sourced criticism was a lie.
  • In recent years, the school has performed abysmally on the examination.
  • Trey said my gluts could use work and my abs were abysmally weak.
  • But such requirements are " abysmally inadequate, " said Benes.
  • It's difficult to see abysmally in a sentence .
  • Just as obviously, Judge Cedarbaum is abysmally ignorant of First Amendment law.
  • It patronizes inner-city children, holding them to abysmally low standards.
  • Sampras skipped the Australian and has played abysmally of late by his standards.
  • Help is also needed in raising medical salaries, which are abysmally low.
  • The Saints have performed abysmally for most of their 30-year history.
  • American television is produced so abysmally that she was reduced to watching baseball.
  • Marble Hill High School was opened in September 2002 . were abysmally low.
  • Barney the dinosaur didn't get rich from his abysmally rated NBC special.
  • "On the other hand, they're abysmally stupid ."
  • No one disputes that Metro-North customers were treated abysmally early this month.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define abysmally in a sentence and how is the word abysmally used in a sentence and examples? abysmally造句, abysmally造句, 用abysmally造句, abysmally meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.