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abortionist in a sentence

"abortionist" in Chinese  "abortionist" meaning  


  • He would have federal snoops hunting down abortionists and gay soldiers.
  • It has to do with murder at the convenience of abortionists.
  • To undo it, you had only to call an abortionist.
  • We cannot stop abortion by marching on clinics and shooting abortionists,
  • She becomes pregnant by him and searches futilely for an abortionist.
  • He offset this, however, by becoming an illicit abortionist.
  • Say hypothetically, an abortionist had a patient seeking an aborting.
  • In 1992, he wrote a piece comparing abortionists with hangmen.
  • That's substantially different than being called an abortionist,"
  • Two people convinced me that God is calling them to shoot abortionists,
  • It's difficult to see abortionist in a sentence .
  • He was to be the virulent Catholic anti-abortionist.
  • Hallstrom finds it with two abortionists and an incestuous father.
  • My real estate agent has been protested as an abortionist.
  • The abortionist went on trial, but abortion never did.
  • Anti-abortionists rallied outside the court during the case.
  • Back street abortionists flourished in all of the larger towns and cities.
  • They think of doctors who do abortions not as doctors but as abortionists.
  • Anti-abortionists fatally shot five people in that time, including Drs.
  • Does it matter that Rep . Hyde is a staunch anti-abortionist?
  • The federal government literally drove men mad, moved them to execute abortionists.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define abortionist in a sentence and how is the word abortionist used in a sentence and examples? abortionist造句, abortionist造句, 用abortionist造句, abortionist meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.