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a-gps in a sentence

"a-gps" in Chinese  
Example sentences included in the dictionary:
  • a-gps技术    其它方面,Wi-Fi无线网络通讯、GPS卫星定位(支持A-GPS技术)、FM调频收音机也是一应俱全。 为了得到较高的信号灵敏度,就需要延长在每个码延迟上的停留时间,A-GPS技术为这个问题的解决提供了可能性。 Nextel则努力将LBS业务融入其数据服务中,并将A-GPS技术应用于其网络,但大部分用户仍然需要使用支持该技术的终端来享受LBS提供的便利。
  • a-gps导航    另外诺基亚6790还支持A-GPS导航,microSD存储卡扩展。 同时它还配备A-GPS导航、存储卡扩展等功能。 除了游戏和拍摄,不得不提的还有A-GPS导航功能。 A-GPS导航和WiFi无线上网功能的加入,使该机功能更加全面。 同时三星A927 Flight II还支持HSUPA+WIFI高速上网功能,支持A-GPS导航功能。 其他方面,该机也同样支持GPS/A-GP...
  • absolute gps    The initial COTS 2 tests began during this flight segment, when Dragon performed a test of its Absolute GPS ( AGPS ) system, using global positioning system satellites to determine its loc...
  • assisted gps    An assisted GPS system can address these problems by using external data. Assisted GPS uses both satellite and cell phone signals. Accordingly, systems using assisted GPS have been develop...
  • bluetooth gps    An external Bluetooth GPS receiver is required for non GPS enabled phones. Most NMEA compliant bluetooth GPS receivers can be used with this camera through its built in bluetooth communica...
  • crossroads gps    American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS spent over $ 100 million to oppose Obama and support Romney. In October 2010, Democratic Senator IRS asking for it to investigate whether Crossroads ...
  • defense advanced gps receiver    According to John Ruley, " Selective Availability / Anti-Spoofing Module ( SAASM ) in the Defense Advanced GPS Receiver ( DAGR ). Introduced in January 1990, and extensively fielded until ...
  • differential gps    CEP is reduced by updating differential GPS offsets prior to weapon release. Using that trick, the Differential GPS can provide accuracy to within about three feet. Accurate differential G...
  • enhanced gps    For example, the device has an enhanced GPS navigation system installed. Along with airlines, enhanced GPS services allow ships to more precisely track their positions. Enhanced GPS servic...
  • fareed zakaria gps    His weekly show, " Fareed Zakaria GPS " ( Global Public Square ) premiered on CNN in June 2008. Fareed Zakaria recommended the title as the book of the week of his show " Fareed Zakaria GP...
  • fusion gps    For months, Fusion GPS gathered information about Trump, focusing on his business and entertainment activities. Fusion GPS hired video and transcription experts to analyze the videos and s...
  • galileo gps    "' Centro Tecnol骻ico para la Industria Aeron醬tica y del Espacio "'( the Technology Center for Aeronautical and Space Industry ), was established in Catalonia in 2004 for research into, and...
  • global position system, gps    Global positioning system , gps Global positioning system , gps
  • global positioning system gps    The bands on the iPhone 4S are divided into two antennas : cellular and Global Positioning System GPS, with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi reliant on an internal antenna. In November 2014, the compan...
  • gps    GP marketing director Harry Hersey III said the pepper is sneezeless. The government later decided to make GPS available to the public. GP . For more news and stock information, CA US Equi...
  • gps同步时钟    每个台均采用GPS同步时钟授时提供UTC/UNSO标准时间。 此类设备国内市场普遍称为:时间服务器、NTP网络时间服务器、GPS同步时钟。 GPS同步时钟也是基于最新型GPS高精度定位授时模块开发的基础型授时应用产品。 10.提供1个IRIG-B/PPS光串口输入,可接入IRIG-B或PPS对时信号,与GPS同步时钟同步,误差小于1us。 一些网站和专业的单位提供此类服务器...
  • gps气象学    本书汇集了多位专家在GPS气象学方面的研究成果和应用数据资料。 主要从事大气动力学教学和地?气系统物理过程、灾害性天气系统动力学和GPS气象学的研究。 《地基GPS气象学》全面地阐述了GPS气象学的形成以及国内外GPS气象学研究及应用的现状及最新发展。 GPS气象学的研究于80年代后期最先在美国起步,在美国取得理想的试验结果之后,其他国家如日本等也逐步开始GPS在气象学中的...
  • gps多通道接收机    GPS接收机能同时接收多颗GPS卫星的信号,而GPS多通道接收机具有多个通道,能同时且连续地跟踪多颗卫星,以实现快速简单定位。
  • gps多路多用通道接收机    GPS多路多用通道接收机能间断地同时跟踪多颗卫星,与序贯通道接收机最大的不同是它间断跟踪的时间间隔小于20ms,这样就可近似地视为对多颗卫星的连续观测,效率大大提高。
  • gps土地测量仪    gps土地测量仪的功能设计,配置价格,以及操作守则和技术指标。
  • gps act    The GPS Act would effectively endorse the minority's position and establish that geolocational searches are presumptively unreasonable. According to its proponents, the GPS Act sets forth ...
  • gps aided geo augmented navigation    On 30 December 2013, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation ( DGCA ), India provisionally certified the GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation ( GAGAN ) system to RNP0.1 ( Required Navigati...
  • gps aircraft tracking    "' Automated flight following "'( AFF ) is GPS aircraft tracking that is mandated by a government agency ( or other governing body ) for its contractors.
  • gps and geo augmented navigation    Some of the major initiatives in this area are introduction of Reduced Vertical Separation Minima ( RVSM ) in Indian air space to increase capacity and reduce congestion in the air; implem...
  • gps applications    Nobody had been looking at the really exciting GPS applications, Wayfinder Active was a mobile phone GPS application to track physical outdoor activities. The ST20 core was incorporated in...

How can I put and write and define a-gps in a sentence and how is the word a-gps used in a sentence and examples? a-gps造句, a-gps造句, 用a-gps造句, a-gps meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.