760s in a sentence
- In the 760s, Thouars found itself in Aquitaine, the most robust fortress in the entire region according to contemporary chroniclers.
- Like its predecessor, the 780 was designed and built by Alpine ), which had been successfully tested in 740s and 760s.
- Major churches dating to this period include Hagia Eirene in Constantinople, which was rebuilt in the 760s following its destruction by an earthquake in 740.
- However, only five were converted also receiving new bogies and being renumbered as 660 / 760s the other engines being used to repower 620 / 720s.
- From 1970 onwards, all the 12 remaining MS . 760s were assigned to Flight 2 . S based at N . A . S . Lann-Bihou?
- A squad of F-86 Sabres, Gloster Meteors and MS . 760s launched air strikes against the naval base, destroying five Navy aircraft on the ground.
- These successes enabled Emperor Constantine V ( 741 775 ) to shift the fleet from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea during his campaigns against the Bulgars in the 760s.
- Inside, all 760s were equipped with a new electronic climate control ( ECC ), a revised dashboard, three-position tilt steering, and a new stereo system.
- K'ak'Yipyaj Chan K'awiil died in the early 760s and is likely to have been interred in Temple 11, although the tomb has not yet been excavated.
- For a period during the 760s there may have been as many as four of five kings based within the territory, perhaps with each ruling over a distinct tribal territory, perhaps on a temporary basis.
- It's difficult to see 760s in a sentence .
- All of the RG550s, 560s, 565s, 570s, 670s 750s, 760s and 770s have a version of the Ibanez Edge tremolo ( vibrato unit ), be it Original or Lo-Pro.
- Argentine Air Force MS . 760s were used in combat to suppress the 1963 Argentine Navy Revolt, bombing a rebel-held radio station as well as the Punta Indio naval airfield, destroying several aircraft on the ground.
- Of the 660 / 760s, 661 / 761 and 668 / 768 were sold to the Lithgow State Mine Heritage Park & Railway, 665 / 765 to the New England Railway, Armidale and 670 / 770 to the Valley Heights Locomotive Depot Heritage Museum.
- Lemieux joins Wayne Gretzky ( 2, 857 ), Gordie Howe ( 1, 850 ), Mark Messier ( 1, 847 ), Marcel Dionne ( 1, 771 ) and Carolina Hurricanes captain Ron Francis ( 1, 760s ) on the 1, 700-point list.
- Relations between the Muslims of the Caucasus and the Khazars remained largely peaceful thereafter, apart from two Khazar raids in the 760s and in 799, resulting from failed efforts to secure a alliance through marriage between the Arab governors or local princes of the Caucasus and the Khazar " khagan ".
- Even though most of the regular prefectures at Hexi Corridor, such as Shazhou ( 787 ) were occupied between the 760s and 780s by the Tibetans, and contact between the Tarim Basin and the capital were limited, the isolated Chinese troops left in the Tarim Basin continued to hold these garrisons until 790 as attested by the pilgrim monk Wukong.
- A more detailed scrutiny of the period AD 731 to 825, combining several 14 C datasets of one-and two-year resolution with auroral and sunspot accounts does show a general increase in solar activity ( from a low level ) after about AD 733, reaching its highest level after 757 and remaining high in the 760s and 770s; there were several aurorae around this time, and even a low-latitude aurora from China.
- Further charters show that the monastery at Reculver continued to benefit from Kentish kings in the 8th century, under abbots Heahberht ( fl . 748x762 ), Deneheah ( fl . 760 ) and Hwitred ( fl . 784 ), acquiring lands in Higham and Sheldwich and exemption from the toll due on one ship at Fordwich, and King Eadberht II of Kent was buried in the church in the 760s ., she observes that there is " a much better context " for this royal burial to have been of Eadberht II, who " faded from view c . 763 x 764 ".
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