745 in a sentence
Example sentences included in the dictionary:
- 745 ad Al-Mahdi was born in 744 or 745 AD in the village of Hamimah. Imam Abdullah ibn Yahya Al-Kindi was elected in 745 AD to lead the Ib + movement in Hadramawt and Oman. "' Patan "', an ...
- 745 bc He was deposed by Tiglath-pileser III in 745 BC bringing a resurgence to Assyrian expansion. Tiglath Pileser III of Assyria conquered Urartu in the first year of his reign ( 745 BC ). They...
- 745 bce As many as 4.5 million people may have been moved between 745 BCE and 612 BCE, and Sennacherib alone could have been responsible for displacing 470, 000 people.
- 745 ce The Uyghur Khaganate replaced the Turkic Khaganate in Central Asia in 745 CE . Its founder was "'Kutluk Bilge K鰈 "'( 745-747 ).
- 745年 天平17年(745年),出任摄津大夫。 (英文名Alyattes I)公元前759-745年在位。 等部,在745年灭了东突厥汗国。 唐天宝四年(745年)迁县治于今县城。 天宝四年(745年)又罢瀛州恢复河间郡。 680年南迁的突厥又建立后突,745年亡于回纥。 天宝四年,乙酉(公元745年),三十四岁。 梅勒斯(又名密尔西斯)(公元前745年~? 三、四年间(公元744...
- ad 745 Two years later, in AD 745, he went to war against the distant cities of Yaxchil醤, on the Usumacinta River, and Motul de San Jos?on Lake Pet閚 Itz?
- ferc order 745 Under Wellinghoff's leadership the Commission issued FERC Order 745 on March 15, 2011, which prescribes how providers of demand response are to be compensated in the organized wholesale ma...
- kosmos 745 A Kosmos-2I 63SM carrier rocket was used to launch Kosmos 745 from catalogue number 07982. Kosmos 745 was the seventy-seventh of seventy nine DS-P1-Yu satellites to be launched, It was ope...
- route 745 The shuttle buses travel along Route 745, a route that usually passes the stadium. "' Route 745 "'is a long mostly north-south secondary highway in the southwestern portion of New Brunswic...
- southern pacific 745 "' Southern Pacific 745 "'is Mikado-type steam locomotive that was fabricated at the Southern Pacific Railroad s Algiers Shops at Algiers Point directly across the Mississippi River from ...
- sr 745 SR 745 was designated in 1937, and its routing has not changed since. SR 257 starts at the intersection of SR 745 heading west and to Sawmill Parkway and Liberty Rd heading east. SR 257, w...
- state route 745 "' State Route 745 "'( "'SR 745 "') is a state route in central Ohio that runs in a north-northwesterly direction along the west bank of the Scioto River.
- united nations security council resolution 745 "' United Nations Security Council resolution 745 "', adopted unanimously on 28 February 1992, after recalling resolutions 728 ( 1992 ), the Council, after examining a report by the Secret...
- volvo 745 In 1995, the Volvo 745 was recalled as the front seatbelt mounts could break in a collision. Walking by a nice-looking but otherwise unremarkable 1990 Volvo 745 wagon, we happened to glanc...
- year 745 The demons Ragubel, Oribel, and Tobiel were regarded as saints until the year 745, when Pope Zachary, having at length exposed them, turned them out of saintly company. The first part of t...
- 前745年 梅勒斯(又名密尔西斯)(公元前745年~? ”早在周朝末的公元前745年,郑国便恃强攻入胡国。 代上26:22表明在公元前745年之前,先知已开始有所活动。 E.R.Thiele认为是从前749年到前738年;William F.Albright认为是从前745年到前742年。 约前745年昭侯迁翼,即今翼城东南7.5千米的故城村遗址。 公元前745年,晋昭侯封他的叔父成师...
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