547 in a sentence
Example sentences included in the dictionary:
- 547 ad Saint Benedict ( c . 480 547 AD ) lived for many years as a hermit in a cave near Subiaco, Italy. Tradition holds that the monastery was constructed by the Byzantine emperor Justinian I ...
- 547 bc In 547 BC, the Lydian king Croesus besieged and captured the Persian city of Pteria in Cappadocia and enslaved its inhabitants. They were defeated by the Persian army commander Harpagos in...
- 547 bce Preceding Charles Darwin by two thousand years, Anaximander of Miletus ( 611 to 547 BCE ) proposed a non-creationist, evolutionary theory of life. As early as the reign of Echestratus, the...
- 547 ce These sources vary in their account of Bodhidharma being either " from Persia " ( 547 CE ), " a Brahman monk from South India " ( 645 CE ), " the third son of a Brahman king of South India...
- 547 signals troop Provided by the top secret 547 Signals Troop, the reports began on 29 July at the height of the false alarm, with the radio detected moving towards Nui Dat from a position north of Xuyen M...
- 547年 547年(东魏武定五年)又置蕃郡。 东魏武定五年(547年)高欢病死。 五年(547年)正月,高欢疾笃。 547年,正月朔日,恰巧日蚀。 太清元年(公元547年),出为弋阳太守。 太清元年(547年)入梁。 东魏武定五年(547年)复置,属昌黎郡。 南朝时,梁太清元年(547年)属南谯郡蕲。 所撰,成书于东魏孝静帝时(西元547年)。 公元前547年至前490年在位。 延陵...
- ad 547 The oldest Welsh literature does not belong to the territory we know as Wales today, but rather to northern England and southern Scotland, and so could be classified as being composed in C...
- avro 547 On a smaller scale, the Avro 547 airliner was a modified Avro 504 with an extra wing. The "'Avro 547 "'was a prototype triplane airliner developed in Britain after the Beardmore engine.
- county route 547 County Route 547 connects from the North after paralleling the eastern edge of Lakehurst Naval Air Station. "' Whitesville "'is an County Route 547 intersect the middle of Whitesville.
- cr 547 The first section of CR 547 runs between Whiteface towards Markham. The second section of CR 547 runs from near Markham to Brimson. The entire route of CR 547 is unpaved gravel surface. At...
- highway 547 It is located on Highway 547, approximately east of Okotoks. The only road open to automotive traffic into or out of Garrett Park is Maryland State Highway 547 ( Strathmore Avenue ).
- kentucky route 547 "' Kentucky Route 547 "'is a state highway that runs from Silver Grove.
- maryland route 547 Significant through roads in Kensington include Maryland Routes 547 ( Knowles Avenue ).
- maryland state highway 547 The only road open to automotive traffic into or out of Garrett Park is Maryland State Highway 547 ( Strathmore Avenue ).
- pennsylvania route 547 A concrete slab bridge carrying Pennsylvania Route 547 over Little Butler Creek was built in 1954 in Jackson Township and is long. A two-span concrete culvert bridge carrying Pennsylvania ...
- route 547 Significant through roads in Kensington include Maryland Routes 547 ( Knowles Avenue ). The right-of-way of Route 547 continues north as Quadrant Route 1019. County Route 547 connects from...
- sr 547 SR 547 begins at the intersection of SR 269 and Township Road 186 on the Seneca-Huron county line approximately south of Bellevue. The vast majority of SR 547's path is in rural farm count...
- state route 547 Washington State Route 547, which traverses a low pass on the mountain's northern flank, runs northwest from the Abbotsford, British Columbia. Consequently, a "'Truck State Route 547 "'( "...
- washington state route 547 Washington State Route 547, which traverses a low pass on the mountain's northern flank, runs northwest from the Abbotsford, British Columbia.
- 前547年 公元前547年至前490年在位。 延陵邑:周灵王二十五年(公元前547年)。 公元前547年的春秋时期建邑立邦,始称延陵。 君主:前581年─前547年)迁焦,其后以地名为氏。 (公元前547年-? 公元前547年,也就是向戎弭兵,豪门之会的前一年。 米利都学派的创始人是泰勒斯(约公元前624年~前547年)。 ,为春秋诸侯国许国君主之一,在位期间为前581年─前547年。...
How can I put and write and define 547 in a sentence and how is the word 547 used in a sentence and examples? 547造句, 547造句, 用547造句, 547 meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.