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1754 in a sentence

Example sentences included in the dictionary:
  • 1754 ad    On one Saturday of Shraavana shukla Navami samvat 1811 ( 1754 AD ), a miracle happened. The Marathas attacked Kumher Fort on 20 January 1754 AD . They besieged the Kumher Fort till 18 May ...
  • 1754 bc    The oldest known codified law is the Code of hammurabi, dating back to about 1754 BC . The preface directly credits the laws to the code of hammurabi of Ur. Mari, Eshnunna, Andarig, Yamhad...
  • 1754 cunningham    "' 1754 Cunningham "', provisional designation, is a Hildian asteroid from the outermost region of the asteroid belt, approximately 80 kilometers in diameter.
  • 1754 horeki river improvement incident    The "'1754 Horeki River Improvement Incident "'was an incident in which the Tokugawa Shogunate maliciously ordered the Satsuma han to carry out difficult river improvement works. *In Wanou...
  • 1754年    (15)甲戌:1754年(乾隆十九年)。 他创作生涯的顶峰是在1748~1754年间。 1754年,创办了丹麦王家美术学院。 于乾隆十九年(公元1754年)制成。 1754年11月27日生于但泽附近的纳森胡本。 1754年12月9日生于爱尔兰唐郡的莫伊拉。 1754年辞去教职,受封为Chinchón伯爵。 1754年,七年战争在北美拉开了序幕。 1754年,他将矾士和石灰区...
  • deaths in 1754    This title became extinct on Lord Ranelagh's death in 1754. He held all three livings until his death in 1754. Falckenhagen held this position until his death in 1754. Allen served at Maug...
  • events in 1754    The inspiration for the church's creation was a miraculous event in 1754, when Amerindian Maria Mueces and her deaf-mute daughter Rosa were caught in a very strong storm.
  • united nations security council resolution 1754    The negotiations were a result of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1754 of April 30, 2007 which urged both parties to " enter into direct negotiations without preconditions a...
  • year 1754    The year 1754 was the year of the alienation of Tessin. Together they deposed Ahmad Shah Bahadur after the devastating First Battle of Sikandarabad in the year 1754. He fell out of favour ...

How can I put and write and define 1754 in a sentence and how is the word 1754 used in a sentence and examples? 1754造句, 1754造句, 用1754造句, 1754 meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.