1591 in a sentence
Example sentences included in the dictionary:
- 1591 ad Syedna Dawood Bin Qutubshah became Da'i al-Mutlaq in 999AH ( 1591 AD ). Dastur Meherji died at a ripe old age on Roj Daepadar Mah Asfandarmad 960 Y . Z . ( 1591 AD ). Syedna Dawood became ...
- 1591 baize The asteroid 1591 Baize was named in his honour.
- 1591 ce Following the death of the 26th Dai in 1591 CE, there was a dispute as to who was to succeed him. The Charminar, built in 1591 CE, is a monument and mosque located in Hyderabad, Telangana,...
- 1591 in france Lettice's second son, Walter Devereux, died 1591 in France while on military duty, and in subsequent years she was anxious for her elder son's safety.
- 1591年 (17)辛卯:1591年(万历十九年)。 1592年(一说1591年)5月1日出生于科隆。 1591年,季米特里死在了乌格里奇。 1591年由西班牙奥斯定会修士创建。 万历十九年(1591年),掌司苑局印。 十九年(1591年),被弹劾,谪戍边。 1591年和1593年两度入侵柬埔寨。 ,1591年他获得了神学硕士学位。 徐渭1591年作墨花手卷成交2072万元。 1588...
- deaths in 1591 He remained at this post until his death in 1591, and was buried in the cathedral. Gerard de Jode made plans for another enlarged edition, which was uncompleted at his death in 1591. He se...
- united nations security council resolution 1591 "' United Nations Security Council resolution 1591 "', adopted on 29 March 2005, after recalling resolutions 1590 ( 2005 ) on the situation in Sudan, the Council placed a travel ban and as...
- year 1591 file : Siegel Peter v . der Decken 1591 . JPG | Seal of Peter von der Decken from the year 1591. From registers found there he discovered that the Dominicans had baptized about 20, 000 nat...
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