1516 in a sentence
Example sentences included in the dictionary:
- 1516 ad Jerusalem mamluk architecture ( period 1250 AD to 1516 AD ) include multi-colored mansonry in white, yellow, red and black. Raja Man Singh Tomar, the King of Gwalior between 1486 and 1516 ...
- 1516 ce Historically, the area had the largest Mamluk period ( 1250 1516 CE ). Artifacts from the Mamluk period ( 636 1516 CE include coins, gold jewelry, and glazed terracotta bowls. At the ro...
- 1516 henry In the summer of 1516 Henry wrote to Wingfield a letter of censure. "' 1516 Henry "', provisional designation, is a stony asteroid from the middle region of the asteroid belt, approximatel...
- 1516网址导航 1516网址导航是以“辞典式导航”为特色的网址大全网站。
- 1516年 在1516年,贝里尼於威尼斯逝世。 伊夫堡的历史可以追溯到公元1516年。 1516年,满速尔汗向赛依德称臣。 在1516年,贝里尼于威尼斯逝世。 )的续篇,第一版于1516年出版,40歌。 1516年侨居法国,1519年5月2日病逝。 明武宗正德十一年(公元1516年)举人。 ,其中1516年经过马赛依夫岛。 公元1516年,人类尚处在16世纪。 于1516年8月8日在波...
- ad 1516 Secure now against Shah Ismail I, in AD 1516 he drew together a great army aiming at conquering Egypt, but to deceive it he represented his army to further the war against Shah Ismail I . ...
- deaths in 1516 He inherited Denchworth upon his father's death in 1516. An entry in the accounts of the Brotherhood of Our Lady records Bosch's death in 1516. Giuliano ruled Florence until his death in 1...
- german purity law of 1516 All Oettinger Group beer is brewed in accordance to the 籖einheitsgebot? the German purity law of 1516, one of the oldest and strictest food standards in the world maintained up to the pres...
- ieee 1516 Prior to publication of IEEE 1516, the HLA standards development was sponsored by the US Defense Modeling and Simulation Office. Machine-readable parts of the standard, such as XML Schemas...
- united nations security council resolution 1516 "' United Nations Security Council resolution 1516 "', adopted unanimously on 20 November 2003, after reaffirming the principles of the United Nations Charter and bombings in Istanbul, Tur...
- year 1516 But he was not ordained a priest until the year 1516. Other inscriptions bear the date Vikrama year 1516. About the year 1516 he forsook the monastic life for the society of a well-born yo...
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