13th century ad in a sentence
- This palace was perhaps completely ruined in 13th century AD.
- In the 13th century AD, a very imposing temple still stood in Akhmim.
- Genghis Khan, leader of the Mongolian Empire in the 13th century AD employed this technique.
- Tamil architecture and culture influenced much of Southeast Asia between the 8th to 13th century AD.
- The Old Latin manuscripts that are preserved today are dated from 350 to the 13th century AD.
- Starting from the 13th century AD the name of Baku begins to appear in mediaeval European Sources.
- A village with the modern name is mentioned for the first time in the 13th century AD.
- However, according to other sources, the tower was built in the 12th or 13th century AD.
- Sheynin said the earliest use of red ink that appears on Hebrew manuscripts is around the 13th century AD.
- There is the 13th century AD St . Mary's Church which was built by the Knights Templar.
- It's difficult to see 13th century ad in a sentence .
- Similar vessels were discovered in the later Norse levels at Jarlshof dating to the 12th and 13th centuries AD.
- Rindoon was built in the first half of the 13th century AD, i . e . 1200 50.
- Celebrated 5 and August 6 because of the Byzantine Church of the Holy Transfiguration ( 13th century AD . ).
- Parts of northwestern Iran were conquered in the early 13th century AD by the Kingdom of Georgia, led by Tamar the Great.
- It was built in 13th century AD . It is a living temple and now under the care of Purvesvara Temple Development Association.
- By the 12th to 13th centuries AD, magnetic compasses were used in navigation in China, Europe, the Arabian Peninsula and elsewhere.
- Raheen-a-Cluig is believed to have been built in the 13th century AD . The name derives from the St Brendan.
- The 400-year period from the 9th to 13th centuries AD was the Islamic Renaissance, a time when Islamic culture and science thrived.
- The The Castle of Chichen Itza was built by the Maya civilization between the 11th and 13th centuries AD as a temple to the god Kukulcan.
- Built in the 13th century AD with its unique Hindu temple architectural style, it is one of the oldest mosques in present-day Kerala.
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How can I put and write and define 13th century ad in a sentence and how is the word 13th century ad used in a sentence and examples? 13th century ad造句, 13th century ad造句, 用13th century ad造句, 13th century ad meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.