13 tales from urban bohemia in a sentence
- They don't, but it takes a number of years and detours before the Dandys and their playful neo-glam sound find a niche in Europe after one 1997 US hit single, " Not If You Were the Last Junkie On Earth, " one great album ( 2000's " 13 Tales from Urban Bohemia " ), and slowly declining Next Big Thing status.
- It's difficult to see 13 tales from urban bohemia in a sentence .
How can I put and write and define 13 tales from urban bohemia in a sentence and how is the word 13 tales from urban bohemia used in a sentence and examples? 13 tales from urban bohemia造句, 13 tales from urban bohemia造句, 用13 tales from urban bohemia造句, 13 tales from urban bohemia meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.