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12th centuries in a sentence


  • Catholic priests were allowed to be married until the 12th century.
  • By the 12th century pilgrims reported that the church was gone.
  • The six-story Romanesque campanile is from the 12th century.
  • Was it in ancient Greece, China or 12th century France?
  • The question came to an explosive head in the 12th century.
  • That dates the coins to the 12th century, he said.
  • Priests have been swearing themselves to celibacy since the 12th century.
  • The 12th century sandstone fort suffered minor cracks in its walls.
  • By the 11th and 12th century, it had become commonplace.
  • Starting in the 12th century, books were written in Cyrillic.
  • It's difficult to see 12th centuries in a sentence .
  • This tomb was described by the 12th century geographer Ibn Jubayr.
  • The town of Hull was founded late in the 12th century.
  • St George's Church was built in the 12th century.
  • The name Havering appears in documents from around the 12th century.
  • The name of the town was recorded in the 12th century.
  • Until the 12th century, much of Pembrokeshire was virgin woodland.
  • The church's ancient foundation dates from the 12th century.
  • This church might also have been built in the 12th century.
  • Boat timbers discovered there have been dated to the 12th century.
  • In the 12th century, another root of a cubic equation.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define 12th centuries in a sentence and how is the word 12th centuries used in a sentence and examples? 12th centuries造句, 12th centuries造句, 用12th centuries造句, 12th centuries meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.