112 in a sentence
Example sentences included in the dictionary:
- 112 - sie retten dein leben After guest roles on the action series " 112-Sie retten dein Leben " and sketch comedy " 4Singles ", Schlemmer returned to " Verbotene Liebe ".
- 112 ad Pinarius Cornelius Severus, shortly before 112 AD, and Manlia Fadilla around the 2nd / 3rd century AD. His feast is celebrated on January 22 in the Roman Catholic Church, which places him ...
- 112 airlie The rectory has now been relocated to 112 Airlie Road, Pullenvale and is used as a private home.
- 112 bc In 112 BC, the Marcus Junius Silanus at an unknown location. In 113 or 112 BC Silanus was perhaps praetor in Spain. In 112 BC, Han officials were killed in a military engagement with Dongy...
- 112 bce Following the rebellion and its success, it is believed that John Hyrcanus conquered the city in 112 BCE, forcibly converting its inhabitants. Under the Seleucids, Tripoli gained the right...
- 112 film He appeared in 112 films between 1912 and 1937. He appeared in 112 films between 1912 and 1935. He appeared in 112 films between 1934 and 1964. He appeared in 112 films between 1912 and 19...
- 112 fs In re : Grand Jury Subpoena Duces Tecum, 112 F . 3d 910 ( 8th Cir . 1997 ). In the Red Sea city of Eilat, businesses closed by noon as the temperatures reached 45 degrees ( 112 F ), the hi...
- 112 georgia The "'112 Georgia Emergency and Operative Response Center "'was created in 2012 by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as a " Legal Entity of Public Law ".
- 112 gripes about the french The 112 Gripes about the French was a 1945 handbook, which has been reprinted often since. Written nearly 60 years ago, " 112 Gripes about the French " was a U . S . Army publication inten...
- 112 katong When it reopened as 112 Katong in late 2011, it featured a Peranakan theme, as a reminder of its location. He has just curated and wrote for this year's NS45 : Fathers and Sons and co-cura...
- 112 ocean avenue Instead of the usual 112 Ocean Avenue house, it is about a haunted theatre in Amityville. The book describes the house at 112 Ocean Avenue as remaining empty for 13 months after the Labrad...
- 112 signals unit stornoway During the Cold War, from 1960 to 1983, the airfield was the home of 112 Signals Unit Stornoway ( RAF ).
- 112 sqn Caldwell scored another striking victory in February 1942, while leading a formation of 11 Kittyhawks from 112 Sqn and 3 Sqn. There No 112 Sqn recorded a few claims over twin-engined aircr...
- 112 ukraine During the first informal meeting with 112 Ukraine representatives Head and Deputies of National Council claimed that 112 Ukraine owner Andrey Podschypkov is a nominal owner, despite th...
- 112年 公元前112年,汲黯因病死于淮阳。 公元前112年在小屯一带置成安国。 自1897年创办以来,已有112年历史。 至今已经具有112年的开采历史。 112年,滇零去世,零昌继位。 婆娑尼师今(80年?112年)姓朴名婆娑。 公元前112年(元鼎五年)34岁,为郎中。 ”终军的卒年为公元前112年。 1边长11.2厘米,象征1896-2008的112年奥运历程。 公元前112...
- 112号元素 艾希勒研究的是第112号元素。 目前得到认可的最新一种元素是第112号元素。 Cn也是112号元素名称,纪念波兰科学家尼古拉?哥白尼。 1995年,德国科学家首次合成的第112号元素只生存了240微秒。 但是,在合成了112号元素以后,他们的进展几乎停了下来。 。107-112号元素,就都是在德国的GSI(德国重离子物理中心)用冷熔合反应合成的。 现在还有3个更重的元素没有...
- 112导弹驱逐舰 每艘军舰前都排着很长的参观者的队伍,旗舰—哈尔滨号1 12导弹驱逐舰前的队最长。
- 112国道 东临112国道,南靠市区北二环西路。 112国道南北向过境,大秦铁路穿境。 112国道(津保线),津霸铁路过境。 京原铁路、108国道、112国道过境。 112国道即宣涞(源)公路过境。 112国道、丰(宁)滦(平)公路过境。 京秦铁路、唐遵铁路及102、112国道过境。 今112国道涞水与易县交界处。 112国道、廊大公路交会过境。 城西,由县城沿112国道向西走17公里...
- ad 112 In Pliny's letter, written in AD 112, he asks Trajan if the accused Christians brought before him should be punished based on the name Christian alone, or for crimes associated with the...
- air india flight 112 In May 1986, five Canadian Sikhs were charged with "'plotting to blow up Air India Flight 112 "'in New York City. In September 1987, their cases were overturned when Michael Code, the same...
- alitalia flight 112 He died when Alitalia Flight 112 crashed on approach to Palermo. "' Alitalia Flight 112 "'was a scheduled flight from Leonardo da Vinci Airport, in Rome, Italy, to Palermo International Ai...
- ar 112 AR 112 continues north through Fayetteville, intersecting Benton County. AR 112 runs north in a brief concurrency with AR 12 near the Bentonville Regional Airport. After the stadium, AR 11...
- bellator 112 Gomez faced Jason Guida on March 14, 2014 at Bellator 112. Bellator 112 featured the first Bellator Featherweight Championship title defense for Daniel Mason-Straus. Curran fought current ...
- bugatti eb 112 Since the Bugatti EB 112 was a concept car and a stillborn project, it never reached actual production by the company.
- bwv 112 "Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt ", BWV 112, premiered on the second Sunday after Easter ( Misericordias Domini ), is a late addition to the chorale cantata cycle. J . S . Bach used Muscul...
How can I put and write and define 112 in a sentence and how is the word 112 used in a sentence and examples? 112造句, 112造句, 用112造句, 112 meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.