1080 snowboarding in a sentence
- The " 1080 Snowboarding " game ( also $ 59.95 ) will be followed by a Ken Griffey Jr .-endorsed baseball game, a golf game and several auto racing games.
- In the racing category, F-Zero X ( published by Nintendo, $ 29.99, for all ages ) is superb _ although 1080 Snowboarding ( published by Nintendo, $ 39.99, for all ages ) has an edge among extreme-sports fans.
- PlayStation owners should consider Tekken 3, the console version of the popular arcade fighting game; Xenogears, a dark morality play that looks like Final Fantasy VII in the present; and Cool Boarders 3, a snowboarding game that still has a lot of work ahead to catch up to its Nintendo 64 counterpart, 1080 Snowboarding.
- It's difficult to see 1080 snowboarding in a sentence .
How can I put and write and define 1080 snowboarding in a sentence and how is the word 1080 snowboarding used in a sentence and examples? 1080 snowboarding造句, 1080 snowboarding造句, 用1080 snowboarding造句, 1080 snowboarding meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.