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1056 in a sentence

Example sentences included in the dictionary:
  • 1056 ad    The first tide table in China was recorded in 1056 AD primarily for visitors wishing to see the famous tidal bore in the Qiantang River.
  • 1056 azalea    "' 1056 Azalea "', provisional designation 1924 QD, is a stony Heidelberg Observatory, Germany.
  • 1056 bc    Ashur-bel-kala ( 1073 1056 BC ) kept the vast empire together, campaigning successfully against Urartu and Phrygia to the north and the Arameans to the west. However, upon the death of As...
  • 1056 ce    In 1056 CE Zhang lectured on the Classic of Changes, which would be known as one of his most memorable works. The earliest inscriptions mentioning the temple are by Rajendra Chola I and ha...
  • 1056年    前1056年,姬昌对内称王,即周文王。 约自1056年开始建国,至1147年灭亡。 嘉右元年(1056年),蔡襄再知福州。 所用最后一个年号,1056年?1063年。 ,建于公元1056年,高达67.31米。 1056年(天喜4年)2月3日,兼任近江权守。 仙三发生在仙一的50年前,即1056年左右。 它始建于1056年,距今已有900多年的历史。 即公元1056年的宋嘉?...
  • ad 1056    Hereford was again targeted by the Welsh during their conflict with the Anglo-Saxon King Edward the Confessor in AD 1056 when, supported by Viking allies, Gruffydd ap Llywelyn, King of Gwy...
  • bwv 1056    It also has similarities with the figurations in the solo line of the slow movement of the F minor harpsichord concerto, BWV 1056. One of the most famous instrumental ariosos was composed ...
  • deaths in 1056    Some sources say that he held office as a viziership of state for over three decades until his death in 1056. At the time of Etru's death in 1056, the sept was located in the area of " Mag...
  • united nations security council resolution 1056    "' United Nations Security Council resolution 1056 "', adopted unanimously on 29 May 1996, after reaffirming all previous resolutions on the Western Sahara, the Council discussed the Settl...
  • year 1056    The " Yingzhou zhi " records that there was a total of seven earthquakes between the years 1056 and 1103, yet the tower stood firm. His chronicle, the " Dhail " or " Mudhayyal Ta'rikh Dima...
  • 前1056年    前1056年,姬昌对内称王,即周文王。 公元前1056年,徐州之戎和淮浦之夷联合起来进犯鲁国,周公姬旦的儿子鲁侯伯禽率领诸侯讨伐,在?地告诫军士。 ”讨论到此,初步的结论已经有了:即太公投靠文王之年,最大的可能应是文王从?里回归的初年,即公元前1056年。 他计算了近四千年哈雷彗星的轨道,并从其他相互印证的史料中肯定了武五伐纣的确切年代应为公元前1056年,这样又把我国哈雷...

How can I put and write and define 1056 in a sentence and how is the word 1056 used in a sentence and examples? 1056造句, 1056造句, 用1056造句, 1056 meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.